Three captains, he noted, all with less than three years' seniority since they wore epaulets only on the right shoulder.
They wear special epaulets, usually black, and they never wear a braid.
Officers wore French-type epaulets and a sash.
For a woman to dream that she is introduced to a person wearing epaulets, denotes that she will form unwise attachments, very likely to result in scandal.
General officers wore dark blue epaulets.
The young American forward Eddie Johnson did everything but wear epaulets on his jersey Wednesday in declaring that his team was "here for a war."
Aboriginal trackers within the Queensland police force wore yellow epaulets to denote their role.
Like Ramage, both were wearing epaulets only on their right shoulders, showing that they had less than three years' seniority.
John Marden wore epaulets on both shoulders and, Ramage was told, had commanded the Wasp frigate in the West Indies for more than two years.
He wore a double-breasted blue coatee, bright with chevrons, brass buttons, and gold-braided epaulets.