Calandra stayed at home and handled the monetary side of the prosperous weapons company.
Interestingly, we discover her husband runs a weapons company which hired Lacrobat to start the war in the first place.
His name is a weapons company in the game Borderlands.
The 2nd Raider Battalion filled out the regimental weapons company.
The enemy is now perceived not as Communism but bloated office staffs and foreign weapons companies.
Only some radio communications between front line and the heavy weapons company remained intact.
Much of the work, in fact, would logically go to weapons companies, officials said, since swords and ploughshares are often not so different.
FO teams are usually attached to infantry weapons companies to provide indirect fire support to the company's movements.
It is nestled close to a forward Marine base occupied by a weapons company.
Some enable weapons companies to bid on contracts and are meant for circulation.