Are you familiar with a human weapon called a mol'tov qaghteyl?
One of the latest tools used at the research center is a device designed for nuclear weapons called an explosive plane-wave lens.
"This much we have learned of your recent culture: you hava weapon called a gun?"
One of these resources is a sacred object protected by his clan: a legendary weapon called the Odama.
About 4,000 years ago, a sentient weapon called the Gizoid was created by an ancient civilization.
Pieces with a color marker facing up, called a weapon, can capture opposing pieces.
"Did you hear what the weapons called each other?"
Denis was trying desperately to recall what the various songs and stories had to say about the weapon called the Mindsword.
They created a horrific weapon called the Belcrant that shot down any who dared oppose them.
During the attack, Sora becomes able to use a weapon called a Keyblade.