This was a major blow, due to the fact that taxes and foodstuffs from these wealthy provinces supported Rome.
Zhang was the strongest of the three leaders and controlled the wealthy northeastern provinces.
It also set out to tackle the economic imbalance between the wealthier - and mainly European - southern province and the rest of the territory.
At the same time, however, the standard of the two wealthiest provinces was lowered to the national average.
Equalization payments have mostly been criticized by leaders and residents of the wealthier provinces.
Contacts with the wealthy Danubian Roman provinces during the wars were also quite active and intensive.
Kandal is one of the more wealthier provinces in the country.
As a result, it was one of the wealthiest provinces in Iran.
Rather it means to the wealthy provinces of Northerns or Transvaal.
This is the sixth consecutive annual deficit for Alberta, Canada's wealthiest province.