And they would be watching to see how the big increases in taxes on the wealthiest consumers affected demand for products, especially during the Christmas season.
Businesses have realized that wealthy consumers are the most attractive targets of marketing.
The not so wealthy consumers can "purchase something new that will speak of their place in the tradition of affluence".
At the beginning of the 20th century there were new wealthy consumers of art just as there have been over the last few decades.
They've had to depend on wealthy consumers and restaurants that are willing to pay two to three times what conventional meats cost.
Up to that time most radios were handmade and priced for relatively wealthy consumers.
The wealthy consumer provided an exception to the cheap-is-best rule.
Only 22 percent of shoppers - specifically, wealthy consumers - said they would use credit for their purchases, the survey said.
But wealthier consumers are turning away from locally made goods and to imported ones.
Advertisers don't see grubby students, they see wealthy young consumers.