He spent a lot of his time convincing wealthy Greeks to build schools and libraries to further the education of Greeks.
Greeks paid a land tax and a heavy tax on trade, the latter taking advantage of the wealthy Greeks to fill the state coffers.
This earned him the enmity of the wealthy Greeks who had endowed the chair, and in 1924 he was forced to resign the position.
The Phanariotes, a class of wealthy Greeks who lived in the Phanar district of Constantinople, became increasingly powerful.
A typical man of the Enlightenment, Korais encouraged wealthy Greeks to open new libraries and schools throughout Greece.
The education system of the wealthy ancient Greeks is also called Paideia.
He comes from a long line of wealthy Greeks.
In the early 21st century, there was a distinct shift away from package tourism on Spetses and the island once again became fashionable amongst the wealthier Greeks.
That is why the wealthy Greeks have fled the country...before the inevitable crash of the Euro.
But squeezing public spending to the level that wealthy Greeks were willing to pay in taxes did not seem politically feasible.