He cannot admit he loves her because her wealth far exceeds his own.
The combined wealth of those listed in 2008 exceeded $100 billion, but in 2009, they amounted to little more than $ 30 billion.
The wealth of Edward's lands exceeded that of the greatest earls, but they were scattered among the southern earldoms.
When he became a Justice on March 13, 1882, it was estimated that his personal wealth exceeded $3 million, mostly held in real estate.
It was said that their wealth at the time exceeded 60,000,000 Swiss gold francs.
Our wealth exceeds that of monarchs who rule lush demesnes.
Only persons whose annual wealth exceeded a minimum level (nisab) were collected from.
His wealth exceeded, by many orders of magnitude, anything another clanless might hope to achieve-aye, and many who were clanned, as well.
His wealth apparently exceeds Bertie's, though it can't be by much.
His wealth at death exceeded £2 million.