If I had known earlier how much "wealth" derives from such simple pleasures, I would have retired a lot sooner.
A family's wealth derives primarily from work and good luck.
We are the descendants of the Matarese, the font from whom all your wealth derives.
The Spencer family's wealth derived from their profitable sheep farming in the Tudor era.
The family's wealth derived in part from coal mines in that area.
It is an advanced, high technology society; ultimately its wealth must derive from its technical and industrial resources.
Nantes, France, another city where much wealth derived from the slave trade, recently had a similar exhibition.
Barrell's notable wealth also derived from his activities as "contractor to the French fleet."
In rural areas, the wealthiest people typically affect the style of the old hacendados even though their wealth these days derives from more capitalistic enterprises.
Their wealth and influence initially derived from the textile trade guided by the guild of the Arte della Lana.