Following the Atreides lead, buildings in Arrakeen had become ever more gigantic as wealth and power concentrated, and this room epitomized her misgivings.
Wealth concentration is a theoretical process by which, under certain conditions, newly-created wealth concentrates in the possession of already-wealthy individuals or entities.
It seemed that the wealth and power concentrated in the first rally had now been joined by a much larger, much younger crew.
Concentrated wealth concentrated.
They don't exist to feed the egos of a handful of people, concentrate wealth in the hands of fewer and fewer people.
With immense wealth concentrated among a small, mostly white elite, and intense poverty still widespread among blacks, South Africa is an extreme example of inequality.
In recent years Tampa has seen a notable upsurge in high-market demand from consumers, signaling more wealth concentrated in the area.
But nowhere is that wealth of scope and depth more apparent than in the specialty bookstores concentrated around Manhattan.
They want all the wealth and influence concentrated in their section of society and everything they do is perfectly on track.
A philosophy of social welfare and exploitation have produced, on the one hand, vast wealth concentrated in just a few places and, on the other, widespread poverty.