As wealth accumulates, crime will increase.
But clouds hang over this air-conditioned Eden, where wealth accumulates without work.
But the cloud of the Iran-Iraq war hangs over this air-conditioned Eden, where wealth accumulates without work.
Where wealth accumulates, and men decay (lines 47-52)
Tory politics says that wealth must accumulate with the few.
Despite the shortage of money for the defence of the state, considerable private wealth had accumulated since the previous sack in 410.
Over the last couple of decades, less wealth has accumulated in the big industrial nations, and more in the developing countries.
His personal wealth was accumulating faster than either ecological knowledge or knowledge about the Guild.
Before 1860 overseas merchant firms and the owners of landed estates had accumulated wealth that became available for industrial investments.
We appear to be a country in which wealth is accumulating mightily in the upper reaches.