But the weakness of those laws also means that the video makers themselves soon lose control of their product.
Sudden or worsening weakness that doesn't go away could mean you're having a relapse.
The weakness of the device meant that the explosion only caused slight injuries to twenty deputies.
The continued weakness of sterling meant British travellers failed to benefit from the lower hotel rates in many popular destinations last year.
Microsoft, however, was somewhat more specific about what the Asian weakness may mean during the first half of this year.
But the weakness of the jobs figures means that these other reports could disappoint.
Also, their weakness relative to other tribes meant they were regularly raided.
The weakness of the state institutions means many Pakistani citizens are forced to rely on their local leaders to provide basic services.
His enemy was not less quick, both knowing weakness meant death.
Structural weaknesses in the British economy meant a disproportionate number of jobs were in the traditional industries.