Every little weakness would help in shutting the Patron's operation down permanently this time.
Several analysts noted that the weakness in bond prices during the week had also helped stocks.
Or will the weakness of any one of them help drag down the other two?
Now, of course, hunger was the least of his problems, but weakness wouldn't help either.
But weakness among America's major trading partners could help delay a full recovery until the middle of next year, some economists say.
That weakness is helping make the latest batch of quarterly results from many media companies appear especially strong.
Markets even shrugged off positive news that the real's weakness was helping improve Brazil's trade position.
The weakness in financial stocks helped push the Nikkei 225-stock index down 3.1 percent.
The continued weakness of the Swedish krona will only help exports.
The many weaknesses that remain in the area of public administration do not help make the fight against corruption any easier.