Probe placement and microarray designs do not always correctly randomize strongly or weakly expressed genes, and may contain spatial biases that should not be removed.
It has been shown that this gene is highly expressed in testis and spleen, but weakly expressed in brain, lung, and kidney.
Breast: mS100a7a15 is weakly expressed in normal mammary gland tissue.
KRT80 (keratin 80) - This gene encodes an epithelial keratin that is weakly expressed in the tongue.
It is relatively bright, and therefore can be used to detect even weakly expressed antigens.
This might be explained by the relatively larger amplification variation for weakly expressed genes, given a constant success rate of amplifying a sequence by a certain fold.
Follicular lymphoma variant translocation 1 is a secreted protein which is weakly expressed in hematopoietic tissue.
In the center part of the park relief is expressed weakly.
Interestingly, OLIG2 is rarely or weakly expressed in glioblastomas.
In Mr. Brooks's crestfallen exit, with his weakly expressed hope for a reunion - "So, until spring!