Soviet forces found a weakly defended part of the front and broke through.
The idea here is to get the enemy to focus his forces in a location, and then attack elsewhere which would be weakly defended.
Come in, destroy a weakly defended planet someplace, then get out fast.
Hell and heaven, as I saw it, were making common cause against weakly defended peoples everywhere.
What is now Estonia and Livonia, weakly defended, fell quickly.
"Well, interplanetary weather is a tricky thing," Zeke weakly defended.
The American representative weakly defended the practice's legality, but dodged explaining its rationale, saying the rules come from the states, not the federal government.
Alaska at the time was weakly defended.
Will you help your grandfather understand that Castle Ranit is too weakly defended?
Instead, he defended weakly and stumbled into an endgame where he was a vital pawn down.