The Outer cloud is weakly bound to the Sun; long-term comets are thought to come from there.
The C molecules compose a solid of weakly bound molecules.
Some of the sodium atoms will lose an electron temporarily, because their outermost electron is relatively weakly bound.
The remaining components are very weakly bound to the Polis system.
William Klemperer was a pioneer in using this instrument for the exploration of weakly bound interactions.
Because most of the galaxies in this group are actually weakly graviationally bound, the group may also be described as a filament.
Approximately 52% to 59% of a dose is weakly bound to plasma protein.
These weakly bound leukocytes are free to detach if not activated by chemokines produced in injured tissue.
Well, the molecules of sugar are weakly bound together and its molecules can be "attacked" in several positions by water.
Most other galaxies associated with the Sculptor Group are only weakly gravitationally bound to this core.