Britain's economy grew only 0.4 percent in the third quarter, the weakest quarterly performance since the beginning of 2003.
Nixon carried the state in the 1972 election with just 52% of the vote, his second weakest performance in the nation.
During the 3rd factor week, Steven had the weakest performance among the remaining boys in the competition.
The six months represent the weakest economic performance since the first half of 1995.
C2 The economy slowed sharply during the summer, to an annual growth rate of 2.2 percent, its weakest performance in four years.
His weakest performance was in Warren County, where he won with just 55% of the vote.
However, his weakest performance was in the Southeastern part.
It was the weakest economic performance since the spring of 1986.
Municipal funds turned in the weakest performance among the four major bond and equity categories.
That is the weakest quarterly performance since the fourth quarter of 1994, when domestic stock funds lost 1.3 percent on average.