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The British contributed the weakest force to Belgium.
Gravity's the weakest force in the Universe, but it follows an inverse square law.
He felt the immense power channeling through the Hourglass, the weakest force becoming the strongest.
With this winsome anecdote, Mr. Zee begins his authoritative examination of nature's weakest force, the one we most take for granted.
And possibly that was more real than the computer-en- hanced vision he himself inhabited, a mere cartoon created from one of the weakest forces known to physics.
Thus, during the First World War the 24,400 troops in these four separate military units made up one of the weakest forces in Iranian history.
These reactions will produce the weakest possible forces at the highest possible cost.
For instance, it uses gravity for propulsion-the weakest force in the universe.
What I'm saying here..." he gestured toward the paper "is that the same pattern holds true right on through to the weakest force of all - gravity.
But gravity is the weakest force in the universe.