Most of these exercises are done with the aid of the hands to support the weakened muscles.
Pressure from coughing, sneezing, or lifting can push urine through the weakened muscle.
Traditionally, rehabilitation specialists working with bypass patients have focused on rebuilding weakened muscles after surgery.
He had barely finished when Vincent's weakened muscles collapsed.
Weakly, he tried to lift the unconscious body of Molly, but the girl's slight weight was too much for his weakened muscles.
Physical therapy and regular exercise are needed throughout the recovery period to strengthen the weakened muscles.
This results in weakened muscles and weight loss.
He stumbled on the step, almost fell, but somehow his weakened muscles did not fail him.
This condition often causes vertical double vision as the weakened muscle prevents the eyes from moving in the same direction together.
Also, you can strengthen your weakened muscles by exercising regularly.