Yet even with the weakened dollar, American wine makers find overseas pricing difficult.
But the weakened dollar in recent years has made the price of American clothes more attractive to the British.
Few analysts, however, were willing to credit the weakened dollar for the improved trade picture.
A major factor was the weakened dollar, which made American films a bargain in foreign markets.
And foreign buyers have been licensing more American films for exhibition because of the weakened dollar.
That view goes in the direction of a weakened dollar in the near future and higher gold prices.
They would discuss ways to stabilize the weakened dollar.
Despite a weakened dollar, the annual membership is still a good value; $70; or 011-44-845-130-4646.
"The weakened dollar has been great for the economy of the Northwest," he said.
Gold and silver prices rose, lifted by the weakened dollar, traders said.