That is bound to weaken support for America within the Caribbean basin.
Union officials explained the authority's more upbeat assessment by saying that it was trying to weaken support among moderates for a strike.
It would be counterproductive, however, simultaneously to weaken support for our historical allies.
Suicide bombings have weakened international support for the Palestinian nationalist cause.
Critics, however, say the government's headlong rush to sell a thriving company could weaken public support for future sales.
On the other hand, strict enforcement might cause a backlash, further weakening social support for the copyright laws.
The employer established a company union in an attempt to weaken support for the independent union, but this failed.
It also appeared to be an effort to weaken support among Washington's allies for tough action against Iraq.
This weakens support for the lower bladder, and stress incontinence may develop.
The terrorists hope weaken public support within countries and in some cases will threaten attacks if the government fails to do as they ask.