Weaken the heart's ability to contract, leading to heart failure.1 Cause dangerous side effects when combined with many different common medicines.
Emotion also weakens our ability to remember the source from the event.
Gray figured they were just waiting for the pall of death to weaken his ability to fight.
This weakened the administration's ability to get its policies through Congress.
The combined effect would be to weaken Britain's government and its ability to play a part in world affairs.
The virus weakens a person's ability to fight infections and cancer.
States have to give up part of their sovereignty, which weakens the state's ability to assert its authority.
He was involved in many disputes, which were said to have weakened his writing ability.
They may allow us to shop more often, but they weaken our ability to pay the bill.
The conference committee also weakened the Government's ability to preserve wetlands, something neither house had done on its own.