Jaine wrenched her attention from its wayward path.
When that happens to a fixed-rear-wheel vehicle, the driver's own force has to make up for the cart's wayward path.
Repent of your wayward paths, for The One will brook no impiety nor disrespect.
"But they're not justification for a one-way ticket down a wayward path of wasteful Washington spending."
The rogue knew exactly what wayward paths her thoughts had taken.
The script, it would seem, was written, but Mr. Stone took a wayward path.
He did not loiter to catch her although his apparently wayward path could seem designed to cross hers every now and then.
Dixon's wayward path had detoured the life of his family long enough.
He wishes the children of the neighborhood would visit more, to learn from its stories of the sharecropper boy and his wayward path to redemption.
The door therefore remains open for a wayward pro-European path to be taken in future.