They went up those steps like wayward husbands sneaking home after a night on the town.
By November 1951, friends of Anne de Man were frantically searching for her wayward husband.
And in at least two instances, he says wayward husbands used marathon preparation as an excuse for liaisons.
Anger at her wayward husband gave her the energy to transform their lives.
He laughs, remembering the seamstresses' love affairs, wayward husbands, fat, gorgeous babies.
Over the years, there have, of course, been plenty of domestic wars, and the battle with the wayward husband has had numerous casualties.
And she gives us a woman who, rather than being browbeaten into submission, civilises her wayward husband.
She wailed at the sight of her wayward husband; he ducked behind the trailers.
Mr. Giuliani could be like a wayward husband who leaves a hotel receipt lying around rather than facing his wife directly.
This wasn't about humiliating a wayward husband; this was about getting off.