In the same way that a glass conveys to you the image of a room at, the opposite end of the city.
It was convenient, having a way to convey a broad request with a simple gesture of a single eyebrow.
The backgrounds she provides are designed with one thought in mind: a creative way to convey a client's message.
That way, he said, he can better convey the sense of shock to his readers.
Not, I suppose, the best way to convey the depth of my feelings.
The way we work is trusted; to produce the data, convey the results and expect they will have influence on policy making," he says.
Some singers find elegant, roundabout ways to convey the excitement of being in a band.
That the way a man dresses conveys a sense of authority?
Various ways of using and holding the abaniko may convey different meanings.
Your motion does not in any way convey the discussion which we had within the delegation.