Connors succeeded in bending the steel bar into several wavy shapes with very little success in terms of opening the door.
Sometimes the Cuban variety has a different body shape, with two points instead of the lute-style or wavy shapes used for the traditional Spanish variety.
The dunes are formed by the depositing of particulates that are the size of grains of sand and have wavy shapes.
The wavy shapes of the roof-line echo the spa's nautical ambitions.
They also blended in wavy shapes cut from wallpaper.
The phase is sometimes shown by a rotating globe or black hemisphere, or a window that reveals part of a wavy black shape beneath.
They follow a "V" shape over the back, "S" shaped whorls over the chest, stomach, and sides, and wavy shapes on the head.
The Polish word falowiec means 'wavy block' and it is a kind of building which has a wavy shape in its body and balcony.
Usually, the kalis has a special blade that is straight at the top and has a wavy shape at the handle.
Over the bars there is an argent bend, of wavy shape, reminding of the Danube.