He rolled Cecelia up on one side, fighting the wavelike motion of the bed, and got foot and hand into the loose sleeves.
This wavelike motion occurred three more times before her stunned brain made sense of it.
It started forward again, moving in a wavelike motion, and a long, gossamer wisp disengaged from the main body and reached toward them.
The man stood mute as the radio warbled and the green gauges returned to a series of wavelike motions.
His hourlong work, which was performed in silence, began when he, Jo McKendry and Nick Sabel rolled and tumbled in wavelike motions across the floor.
Any particle that strikes the wall gets stuck, and a wavelike motion of the cilia can move it back up the tract like an escalator to the mouth.
These so-called double-slit experiments became the standard for determining wavelike motion - a fact that was to become especially important a century later when quantum theory began.
Her eyes asked if he understood, and he nodded; her fingers lingered for a few seconds on the picture, making a gentle wavelike motion.
A new automatic sensor also cleans the lens by rolling dust off with a wavelike motion.
Finally her eye-stubs resumed their normal wavelike motion and she started murmuring.