He could feel the pressure waves of the dissipating force vibrate the air around his hands and then the waves reached his face.
Sound waves for a low E vibrate at the same rate for all instruments.
He was responsible for causing shipwrecks in the ocean; his dancing made the waves vibrate, influencing the way the boats move.
Sound waves vibrated a small needle so that its motion carried the waves.
People hear sounds when these waves physically vibrate their eardrums.
A minor wave of nausea vibrated through his stomach and lungs and took his breath.
George was pitched toward the command chair and crushed up against April as waves of destructive energy vibrated through the deck under his feet.
When the wave vibrates at a rate natural to the object, much of the wave remains within the object.
The fundamental is the frequency at which the entire wave vibrates.
A light waves vibrates as it travels, rather like a wave traveling along water.