They are walking over a hill in the snow waving their weapons.
The guards hooted and hollered as they waved their weapons in the air.
Galaeron drew his sword and heard the others doing the same, but Takari waved their weapons down.
Some of the kids were crying, others staggered about, waving their weapons helplessly in the empty air.
Only when the small human figures came running into view, waving their puny weapons in triumph, did he understand.
They thundered down the slope howling war cries and waving their weapons.
Considering that you both showed up here waving your weapons around, I'm not particularly inclined to be generous toward either of you.
Someone on the ridge gave a shout and they started down, waving their weapons.
Waving their weapons, they ushered the prisoners out of the cell and into the gangway.
They yelled at the people on the bus, waving their weapons wildly.