She waved a hand gracefully on the end of one slim wrist, and he came back to us with bis bodyguards.
"I will," Rachel replied, and waved gracefully at the fourth chair.
She waved one hand gracefully as though to take in the whole of Jefferson.
Motors whirred and the two arms extended to both sides, long metal fingers waving gracefully in the air.
Brenda was beautiful, a world traveler with masses of gracefully waving red hair and stars where her pupils ought to be.
Ahri unlocked his fingers and waved one hand gracefully.
They managed not only to raise the roof, but also to make it wave gracefully, like piano hammers striking an arpeggio.
Vesta, tail-tip waving gracefully a foot and a half above her head, was wearing only her sandals.
Then MacClintock cleared his throat and waved gracefully at the boardroom's door.
They smiled and waved gracefully to each other as their clouds passed, while singing enthusiastically and beating on the little tomtoms that each one carried.