With a surge, a wave of thugs flung themselves into sight, driving forward in a suicide charge.
The great wave flung the bows up, pushed the Ulysses far over to starboard, then passed under.
The water the tidal wave had flung upon the land was running back.
The USS Remembrance was a big ship, but the waves flung her about even so.
A wave of nausea passed over him as he pulled out Sabin's knife and flung it to the floor.
A wave still caught us and flung me to my knees, but the water was not powerful enough to drag us out again.
Towering waves lifted the craft as easily as if it were made of paper and flung it every which way.
Great waves flung themselves toward the harsh coastline and beat upon it with insensate violence.
An enormous wave had flung itself against the nearly circular boundary of the lake.
A wave of snow swept up from the ground and flung itself across the sleigh track.