The clay soil is heavy, leading to waterlogged conditions on the flat hilltop.
As might be expected, the iron section of these rarely survives apart from where the keys have existed in waterlogged or very dry conditions.
Gillespie and Brook add that cattle visiting the well may have pushed stone artefacts through the pavement into the Pleistocene layers during waterlogged conditions.
Due to waterlogged conditions, in some cases, wooden coffins had also survived.
The boat was far too heavy in its waterlogged condition for Blade to right it by himself.
These horizons also heavily organic, but are distinct from O horizons in that they form under waterlogged conditions.
The 'before' photographs show the typical muddy, waterlogged condition of the path at this stage.
It tolerates drought but cannot tolerate waterlogged conditions.
The same was found to apply to pellets in waterlogged or permanently wet conditions.
The boards helped to keep the soldiers' feet dry and prevent the development of trench foot caused by prolonged standing in waterlogged conditions.