The Crystal Springs area, used as a watering spot and campsite, was a principal stop-over on the Mormon Trail Alternate Route.
It came from an old friend, a retired diplomat who suggested they plead geriatric exhaustion and head for one of Virginia's better watering spots.
Occasionally the good watering spots would lure little family herds of grazers in, despite the nearness of the huge, ever-hungry dragons.
If you could get your cattle to water along one of the creeks, which would prove impossible, since all the good watering spots were preempted by the Venneford people.
Stafford was stationed at this particular watering spot beginning January, 1875.
It would have been a natural watering spot for long caravans of llamas.
The loco was low on water, and uncoupled from the train to 'run light' to the nearest watering spot and refill.
Penguins at a watering spot.
Eugene O'Neill's favorite watering spot, The Dutch (Dutch's Tavern) is here, housed in a 1760 building.
It was established in 1901 as a watering spot for steam trains on the Southern Pacific Railroad.