Alas, it is not the only Soviet waterfront city where fish is unavailable.
The setting is a futuristic waterfront urban city.
The near-fiscal collapse of this waterfront city took few residents by surprise, but it has left many of them angry and cynical about government.
The spirited waterfront city of Portland, Me., has quietly emerged from the shadows in the past few years.
Officials here say it is time to show the world that their waterfront city is more than just the murder capital of New Jersey.
Reclamation works are undergoing near Penang Bridge to build a waterfront city.
The phenomenon is changing this old waterfront city.
Water Taxi: As a waterfront city there is specific need for water transportation between points in the city and surrounding areas.
I headed down the slope towards the waterfront city.
The school layoffs are the latest setback for a historic waterfront city of nearly 300,000 that is engulfed in its worst financial crisis in years.