Other goals included the reuse of irrigation water through city ditch system and water-saving measures for swimming pool, showers, faucets, and so on.
The business is also introducing simple water-saving measures with the aim of reducing water use by 5-10 per cent.
Many of the county's 41 water suppliers, as well as individual cities, towns and villages have already adopted water-saving measures.
It was designed primarily as a water-saving measure, and also to minimise construction costs compared with other engineering solutions of the time.
Applying some basic and often low-cost water-saving measures can result in reductions of up to 40 per cent in water use in these ancillary areas.
The following water-saving measures were implemented:
Another water-saving measure is to plant all of the plants that will need water in one place.
Mr. Bloomberg ordered a series of water-saving measures to take effect on Monday.
It estimates that installing just a few water-saving measures could save a typical household hundreds of pounds a year on combined water and energy bills.
Hempstead restricted sprinkling hours for homeowners and adopted other water-saving measures last June to preserve shrinking underground reserves.