In the project, communities who apply for funding for water-related projects must provide information about their proposals, which are voted on by other members of the online community.
Regis and his wife Julia visited water-related projects in Ethiopia in 2007, as part of their continued support for WaterAid.
During the 1940s and 1950s, River Basin Commissions were created to launch regional development programs sustained by water-related projects.
It also worked on water-related projects in the UK and around the world.
The national and international competitions are open to pre-university young people ages 15-20 who have conducted water-related projects on topics on environmental, scientific, social, or technological importance.
The $25 million will help fund 14 water-related projects dispersed throughout Los Angeles County.
The North American Development Bank was set up to lend to local border agencies for water-related projects, including treatment plants and sewer systems.
Iran has not suspended its enrichment-related activities or its work on heavy water-related projects as required by the security council.
On the same day a water bill was approved which covered water-related projects in 17 western states.
In the early 1990s, about 60% of pollution control funding went to water-related projects, but only about half of cities and about one-quarter of villages have sewers.