And all this in a state whose complaisant legislature, at the behest of the mining industry, recently passed a "relaxation" of water-quality standards.
"Most small lakes and ponds in Westchester would not meet our water-quality standards without filtration," he added.
The section requires states to identify water bodies that cannot meet water-quality standards without control of nonpoint sources.
"It is one of the most significant environmental decisions of the 1980's becaase it guarantees the water-quality standards that we have set for ourselves."
Sales are buoyed by the national debate over water-quality standards, drought warnings and contamination reports.
This apparently was a reference to Vermont's water-quality standards not meeting the Federal requirements for toxin substances, while New York's do.
It would give new flexibility to Federal officials in setting water-quality standards and to local water suppliers in meeting them.
A third reason is the rise in water-quality standards, which mean more attention is paid to monitoring contamination in water supplies.
That means the city - at least for now - won't have to build a staggeringly expensive filtration plant to meet water-quality standards.
Officials make no commitment to meet Florida's water-quality standards, set to protect the Everglades.