A good example of how far water technology has come can be seen in the smart house at Duke University.
Deep water technology is rapidly evolving, promising huge bounties of wind energy with fewer environmental and economic consequences.
For example, one of the bills she introduced would support the development of clean water technologies.
India is building closer ties with Israel in the areas of nanotechnology, information technology, water technology and biotechnology.
See our guide on first-year allowances for water efficient technologies.
The United States, too, has the potential to become a big customer for water technologies.
Israel is one of the world's technological leaders in water technology.
Among the Centre's priorities are research into new materials, water technology and the application of European environmental directives to the chemical industry.
This new site will utilize the latest in water recycling technology, and is expected to create up to 1,000 new jobs in the area.
Core industries are pulp and paper, leather, and water technologies.