Most other contracts are relatively small with water sales of less than 100,000 cubic meter per day.
Officials estimate the cost at $2 billion but say water sales could substantially recoup the costs.
Last year, soft drink sales increased by 2.6 percent, while water sales went up 7 percent.
But others say water sales are draining the life from many small communities and may cause irreparable damage.
Traditionally, farmers and ranchers have been among those most opposed to the water sales.
Bottled water sales are growing at 70 percent a year in India.
Both the public and the private company had strong incentives to increase tariffs, since they both received a share of the water sales.
After the television commercial, bottled water sales increased by 3,000 percent from the year 1976 to the year 1979.
In 2004, the revenue generated by water sales was US$16.7 million.
Still, bottled water sales are strong, and a boon to the restaurant's revenues.