The water privatization, if approved by Parliament, calls for a total advertising and promotion budget of more than $45 million.
Other aid agencies have also supported water privatization.
The quality and strength of regulation is an important factor that influences whether water privatization fails or succeeds.
The evidence concerning the impact of water privatization is mixed.
And water privatization has attracted interest from abroad.
There are no specific data on the health impact of water privatization in Brazil.
According to a detailed 2002 study in Argentina, water privatization has had a positive impact on child mortality.
Though the situation is grim, Prud'homme does offer some potential solutions, including strictly regulated water privatization.
The government in one Australian state has said that it will no longer entertain French bids on a $9 billion water privatization project.
Rejecting water privatization, and strengthening democratic institutions to better manage the people's water, is a critical first step.