The big problem in the camp was the water allotment.
The sixth was a new regulation tightening everyone's water allotment.
Reluctantly, they accepted the fact that water allotments would be decreased slightly.
Like, for your monthly water allotment, or to increase the size of your quarters.
Perhaps they're worried about their water allotments.
Also this week, two state legislators said they were considering legislation that would further cut the Imperial district's water allotment.
The uncertainty has local, state and federal officials along the 1,450-mile river scurrying to secure water allotments while also preparing for the worst.
It is estimated that the building of these projects would likely lead to Sudan exceeding its water allotments from the 1959 treaty.
Between 1970 and 1993 there were 2,698 transactions of one-third of the water allotments to another use or for use at a different location.
The animals, too, were on drastically short water allotments.