He said he had stood outside the grounds of the main hospital and watched workers cremating seven bodies in the hospital grounds.
Outside, Mr. Reilly watched workers carrying buckets of sooty debris from the church.
He can see ships passing and watch workers remodeling his home.
Students also learn by watching experienced social workers.
Mr. Schott, the headmaster, said that he had been watching workers at the mission come and go for more than 20 years.
As I slowly crossed over, I watched workers rebuilding the south-bound bridge.
Also, watch young workers in action on workplace safety!
"I thought I was hot stuff, too," he said, watching workers inspecting a banana yellow Mustang as it rolled slowly down the line.
Watching workers has become an industry unto itself.
Ms. Lynch once worked as a home health-care attendant in a public housing project right across the street, and she used to watch workers remaking the building.