He watched students coming and going from the cafeteria in the basement of the old auditorium across the street.
Sidelined with a broken toe, he watched other students performing decathlon and decided that that was the sport for him.
Part of the fun for many students was watching fellow students and school officials who were extras in the film.
On the ground floor there is a host computer, in lounge we can watch students having a pleasant chat, reading books, and studying by themselves.
One of these duties are watching other students at lunch and break time to stop any misbehaviour and then report it to any available teachers.
And on one recent evening, she spent several hours standing alone in her dorm lounge, watching students she did not know play pool.
They watch students walking around the dead body of one of the most obese men Lucy has ever seen.
If you're interested, make an appointment to visit the facility, which is north of Bangkok, and watch the teachers and students at work.
When he wanted to hire a full-time librarian, for instance, parents asked why regular classroom teachers couldn't watch students when they visited the school library.
Afterward, she is outside watching eager students in flight from their last class.