Mayor Koch played host as about 1,000 youngsters watched clowns and other performers.
At such festivals, she continued, students are exposed to the three fundamentals of dance education: technical training, watching great performers and participating in good talk.
She is shown watching other performers while a clock counts down the time before she makes her debut.
Oh, the pleasures of watching performers of this caliber preen.
It's exhilarating to watch performers who can do this.
Face it: who wants to pay lots of money to sit uncomfortably in a huge auditorium hearing bad sound and watching performers who look like ants?
In the theater, the appreciative audience spent more time watching performers instead of frantic stagehands grappling with still another elaborate setup.
Upon watching several famous performers in the past, she wanted to become an actress.
"It also gives me a chance to watch the audience watching other performers like me, so I can learn what pleases them."
But the core is for the audience to watch performers who understand the text and are able to give it clarity, coherence and passion.