Lifes a tapestry - 2 days 10 hours ago I was thinking the same thing when watching her speech.
I think - it's - it was very painful for me to watch his speech on Monday night.
Lifes a tapestry - 1 day 16 hours ago I was thinking the same thing when watching her speech.
He saw that no one desired to watch his speech.
Those who could not get into the auditorium watched his speech on a television in the gymnasium.
To watch the congressman's speech at the press conference, please click here.
A few of us stuck around the filing center long enough to watch Obama's speech.
He spent the early part of the evening watching the president's speech with emergency workers after giving his own reading in Battery Park.
Over 2,500 attended the town hall meeting, with many watching his speech from an overflow room.
The broadcast included a new tongue-in-cheek opening where they watch Bush's speech.