"Friend of mine did this for fifteen years," said Arthur one night as they sat forlornly watching the sky.
They are living in pockets of a few hundred among the Rwandans and watch forlornly as those around them get on planes for home.
I nodded and drove away, waving to her as she stood in Valentine's window, watching forlornly in her sorrowful vigil.
The lieutenant watched forlornly as the merchant rowed back to his craft and climbed aboard.
Cadderly watched forlornly from the window as the group slipped away toward the back of the library and the mausoleum.
At the fade-out he is taken away by the police as his wife watches forlornly from the driveway.
Michael Strahan, the Giants defensive lineman, watched forlornly from the bench, out for the season with a torn pectoral muscle.
I watched forlornly as his luxuriant locks went floating down to the pavement.
Several of Ali's people were seated in front of the operational screens, forlornly watching hundreds of markers blinking.
But worse, it would make all the networks happy, rather than keep one watching forlornly from the outside.