At home he spends evenings coolly watching surgery videotapes to figure out what he's doing wrong.
The eldest brother refused to have his hands tied but coolly watched as his brother's carcase was rolled away.
Sparhawk jumped back, coolly watching for an opening.
Lighting a cigarette, he coolly watched Denry, to see how he took the terms.
Lady Pamela watched coolly as the dwarf savant led them away.
She watched him guard over younger soldiers and coolly run the camp.
Hoskins was standing apart from them, watching coolly from a distance with a half-smile on his face.
Do not spill blood," Julius ordered, watching coolly as his men broke into pairs to search the house he knew so well.
Duncan simply stood there, coolly watching him, but Poul was more than willing to respond.
He remained standing calmly, coolly watching the wizard's approach.