A dockhand watched bemusedly as Oscar did a Pope impression, kneeling to kiss the ground.
The villagers watch bemusedly from over their hookahs and smile as the property values rise.
She watched bemusedly as he unfolded all three blankets.
At her nod, he extended his arm and she took it, still bemusedly watching him.
Several of them tried, charging a few feet, then watching bemusedly as Rose tore out of range again.
I watched bemusedly as my stacks of chips multiplied.
Half a dozen men, outback miners to judge by their rough appearance, were drinking at a table with a couple of joygirls and a bemusedly watching Tigery.
Danny watched bemusedly as Katarina entered into her element.
She paused, and Ranjit watched bemusedly as Susan blushed yet again.
Jemal watched bemusedly as a fighter was carried out, bleeding profusely from a powerblade cut on the thigh.