Seeing poetry slams often reminds me of watching American Idol.
But throughout the series the show has drawn an average of 12 million viewers, less than half the number that watch American Idol.
For the same reason, I do not watch "American Idol."
"When you're faced with dying, getting shot at, your life is over- and everyone else is watching American Idol, you feel very alone."
Oh my god, that is exactly how I started watching American Idol.
Each show attracted about half the average 25.2 million viewers who watched "American Idol" in 2011.
See, we watch "Idol" so you don't have to!
So you're not going to start watching American Idol out of spite?
Sorry, but watching American Idol we can see the connection between the contestants and the judges.
I'm embarrassed to say it, but these days washing my hair has taken a back seat to watching American Idol.