Katie watched Ellie through the transparent door.
"Watching Ellie" is also very expensive, even by current television standards.
Over the past year, the couple have been remodeling their beach house while revamping "Watching Ellie."
Watching Ellie in the side mirror, he couldn't stop the grin that spread across his face or the sense of satisfaction that flowed through him.
Her last show, "Watching Ellie," died after two abbreviated seasons.
"Watching Ellie" sounds more daring than it is.
It would be great if one of the "Seinfeld" cast succeeded in a new series, but things aren't looking good for "Watching Ellie."
"Watching Ellie" doesn't try to hide its Seinfeldian aspirations.
But radical changes for "Watching Ellie" seem to be unlikely.
There were two incarnations of Watching Ellie, neither of which met with any success.