Keen frowned and darted back and forth, watching Barney with one eye and the Navy fighter with the other.
He liked to watch Barney.
During an interview in September, Mengting watched Barney on television before bedtime, when the fun gave way to reality all too quickly.
He had watched Miranda and Barney and an idea had suddenly struck him.
Scouring albums by the Indigo Girls for dirty lyrics, however, is like watching "Barney" for signs of intelligence: they are few and far between.
As he watched Barney, he reached over to Ms. Clark, to hold her hand.
The kitchen goon leaned his back against the kitchen window, folded his arms, and watched Barney at work.
As Marie Antoinette once remarked, "Let them watch Barney."
"Everybody is watching interactive Barney," Mr. Konarski of the shopping center trade group said.
Diana watched Barney out of sight.